Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decisons, Decisions, Decisions; God's will?

Decisions; everyone makes them. A lot of the time we make conscious decisions and a lot more of the time we make unconscious ones. Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking in the “decision” area and have even sought wiser council on a certain subject matter. One of the ‘givers of the wisdom’ started talking about Gods will. He reminded me that Gods will isn’t something we have to go find. So many people, especially young adults in high school, get to that point in life where it begins to kick into high gear and they attempt to chase after Gods will for their lives. Well, as exciting as that sounds, it’s not how it works. God’s will is not something that you have to find, it’s something that you have to do. You have to decide that “you” are not what’s important. Instead of asking God, “Tell me Your will for my life,” you should be asking God, “What decision do I need to make to better accomplish your will for me.” If you think they’re the same…read them again and really think about it. This is where the decision factor comes into play. You can either decide to swallow your selfish pride and truly listen to God’s direction, or you can sit and soak in your complacency as you acquire that God send you a detailed letter with a step-by-step process of what you are supposed to do. A very wise man, (….Oh, it’s Dr. Brunson, who are we kidding here….everyone can see how God has blessed him) said that “Wisdom is putting into action what you already know.” That statement speaks VOLUMES. God doesn’t always give straight answers; surprise, surprise, surprise. Sometimes he expects is to live our faith and desire Him more. Switchfoot’s new CD, Hello Hurricane, has a song that says, “If it doesn’t break your heart it’s not love.” This could go in many different directions but the point I am trying to make with it is this: we should so YEARN for God, long to be with Him, long to serve Him, that it would break our heart to even think about being in a state of complacency or place where our hearts did not long to make a difference in His name. Seeking God’s will for your life isn’t as hard as you may think; the remedy is quite simple in fact: die to yourself, and ask the right questions. (So, maybe it is difficult to do. We are humans and our flesh can sometimes consume us, but I am reminded of a phrase I learned in good ole’ Sunday School in third grade, “With GOD on my side, I can face ANY challenge.”)

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