Sunday, November 29, 2009

Get in the WORD

If you’ve been there, it’s easy to understand how people fall in this world. As a Christian, having been there myself, it’s easy to see and understand when other Christians are on the brink of a major pitfall and it is easier to understand what happened and why it happened. Satan has so many tricks up his sleeve and once he finds that “soft spot,” with a grin on his face he comes back for more. I believe that for a Christian to have a growing, joy filled, personal relationship with God they MUST be in His word. God’s word is the guideline, the map, the foundation to a relationship with Jesus Christ! It is pivotal. When I was in the 8th grade, I was really inspired to begin doing a personal devotion time. I’m not trying to brag on myself, and I don’t claim to be any where near perfect in any way; far from it. (And anyone who digs into Gods word on a regular basis will tell you the same thing.) It has become a very consequential and momentous “event,” I guess you could say, in my life. Searching Gods word and seeking out His wisdom and knowledge will lead you to a completely different level in your relationship with Him. Too many proclaimed Christians settle and are satisfied with getting their “weeks worth” of Gods word at church once a week. Sorry, that’s WRONG. Great, go to church…even attend Sunday school, but if you are not longing to know your Savior on a personal more intimate level, something isn’t right. The whole reason I’m bringing this up is because Satan has really been fighting me on this lately. When the holidays come around, I find myself caught up in the business of: staying up late, sleeping in, and moving out of my room so relatives can have a place to sleep…and I “get out of my routine” and I just don’t do my devotions. This is completely wrong, by the way. Every time I fail to spend time in Gods word…Satan attacks. It doesn’t have to be a big catastrophe but I find him squeezing through the cracks in my life, attempting to shatter me to pieces. And every time, without fail, I find myself saying, “Emily, if you had just been in Gods word.” Satan is a smart dude. No, he isn’t omnipotent or omniscient, but he watches us and knows exactly when to strike; and if your not filled with the spirit and the abundance of Gods word, he’s a coming and you wont be ready. When you are buried in Gods word, seeking Him there is a difference in your life. When you’re not, you can tell and so can others. I challenge you, if you are not reading your Bible…do it for a week. If it doesn’t change your life and give you a direction and inspiration for your life, well, it will…so don’t worry about if it doesn’t. Keep on fighting, keep on striving. Continue to seek God and ask for His grace in your life! It will change your life.

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