Saturday, December 12, 2009

One foot in, one foot out.

One foot in, one foot out; we see it every day. I was recently reminded of this simple truth through one of my friend’s facebook status. James 4:4 says, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Christians…true Christians don’t have a choice. If you choose to be a friend of God, you cannot live with one foot in the world and one foot out. It doesn’t work like that. Jesus Christ went and hung Himself on a cross and DIED so that we might have a relationship with Him. He didn’t hang half of Himself; He gave us all of Himself. Why should we expect anything less of ourselves? Some people may call me a stick in the mud and I suppose part of the time they are right. When I was younger, I used to get mad at my sister for listening to 89.5 instead of 88.1 because 89.5 had rockier music. (Air 1 rather than the Promise radio station.) Super legalistic, I know. I now listen to 89.5 all the time. It’s a great station with a great message. The reason I would get upset would be because I couldn’t tell that the music she was listening to honored God.( I was 10 so I didn’t really listen to the words) This seems kind of ridiculous but I believe it proves my point. So many Christians live their lives both ways. We live in the world and of the world. Our radio stations are programmed from Christian radio station, to Christian radio station, to country music, to crappy music. Our pockets are full of movie ticket stubs that range from Facing the Giants, to Blind Side, to filthy Will Ferrell movies.( excluding Elf, of course) We sing songs of worship on Sunday mornings yet we find ourselves leaking slang and curse words throughout the week. We aim and focus our lives on fitting into this world that we aren’t even supposed to be apart of. We are not offended by sin and it doesn’t break our hearts every time the guy sitting next us in math class uses Jesus’ name in vain every 5 minuets. Christians have become numb to the effects of sin and our hearts don’t long for purity and cleanliness like they should. We are adulterers! We are enemies of God and so often we choose to be friends of the world rather than with the One who longs to be with us. Thankfully, it doesn’t end here. God continues to love us; He continues to forgive our shortcomings and failures. He offers us hope and eternal life, love and peace. He offers us peace! How amazing. For a world that is desperately searching for peace…He freely offers, no strings attatched. Please, don’t get me wrong, and don’t think me to be some legalistic, finger pointing Christian. I’m not saying country music is bad or that we shouldn’t go to the movies. What I am saying is this: Let your sin, and the sin around you burden your heart. May it well up a desire within you to beg of God’s forgiveness and long for the returning of our King. Make an effort to love others with the love of Christ as you see the sin in our world. Remember that others are watching and remember that if you claim Christ, you bare His name…so don’t drag it through the mud.

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