Thursday, December 10, 2009


“Scars are there to remind us where we’ve been but they don’t have to dictate our future.” If that’s not a true statement, I don’t know what it. (figure of speech…calm down.) Scars can hurt, especially when you vividly remember how you obtained the little devil. This goes for physical scars and even emotional ones. I suppose this can all tie together with what I said in my previous post about how God takes us through the fire to make us stronger and more pure. Majority of the time, people, including myself, look at their scars as reminders of the bad; how they wish it would have been different and how they wish they didn’t have to have the scar. Sometimes, I guess people look at their scars and remember the bad but know it had to happen in order to accomplish a certain goal. A military vet. or an athlete come to mind. I was watching one of my favorite shows the other night, Criminal minds,(best show ever) and one of the characters made that statement concerning a team member who had just been through a traumatic experience. There is a lot of truth behind that quote even more to be learned from it. There will always be situations and circumstances that we have to pass through in life that will leave us with scars. But every time we look at the fused together skin or remember that terrible experience… regret, spite and hatred don’t have to pass through our minds or even consume our thoughts. You may have messed up in the past, but one failure, or even 1,000 failures don’t dictate who you are or what you can be. God has a marvelous plan for each one of His children who choose to surrender their hearts to Him! Don’t look at the past and let it dictate your future because it doesn’t have to. The ball’s in YOUR court…you make the move.

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