Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it be

God’s word amazes me. I was just talked into buying this book on learning how to STUDY God’s word. ( It didn’t take too much convincing, by the way.) I have been reading the book sort of “in place of” my normal devotional book. Living By The Book, by Howard G. and William D. Hendricks isn’t just a reading book. It teaches you how to study the God inspired words that make up His holy book. It has scripture for you to read and is really a “learning” book. Any way, my point is that I found myself longing for Gods precious word. The other night I decided to skip the book and just pray and read my bible. Well, I’m really glad I did because the passage God lead me to was definitely something I needed to hear. As I drug myself into my bed, I grabbed my glasses and my bible. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I though it appropriate to read a portion of the infamous and never dwindling Christmas story. Luke 1 is where my fingers flipped to. This Christmas, (well, almost Christmas. I guess when I say “this Christmas,” I’m really intending to refer to the time of the year…well, the several weeks leading up to Christmas…yeah, yeah, you get the point.) , I have really mediated and understood the true meaning of Christmas more that I ever have before. I guess I’ve really been inspired by the realization of Jesus, and what He did for me…and the entire existence of humanity. The portion of the story that I read was when the angel appeared to Mary and told her that God had chosen her to bare His son. After Gabriel had told Mary the news, in verse 37 he said, “ For with God, nothing will be impossible.” Vs. 38, “ Then Mary said, ‘Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” I have read this story a million times. But one thing immediately jumped out at me as soon as I had finished processing Mary’s words. “Let it be.” A young girl, who I believe was around the age of 15, was just told by an Angel of God that she was going to have a baby. Not just any baby, God’s only Son. Hello!? Marry accepted God’s will for her life without hesitation. Sure she was scared, but she said, “Let it be to me according to your word.” Not that she really had a choice in the matter, but she accepted Gods plan for her life. I am as guilty as the next person, and I know of so many people who know that God has a plan for their lives, yet they run as far away as possible from it. Without fail, we make plans for our life and what we want to do and where we want to go, but we don’t even bring the matter before God. Sometimes God asks us to do things that we don’t necessarily want to do, but just like Marry, if we accept Gods will and HIS plan, wonderful and marvelous things will happen. I’m sure there are many a people who have chosen to slap God in the face and deny His plan for them as they chase their shallow hopes and dreams which in essence lead to emptiness. Consider Mary’s words, and consider God’s leading on your heart…and let it be.

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