Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So, my pastor is a very wise man; although I know he would take absolutely no credit, it absolutely does not diminish the fact that God is using him in the lives of people all over the world. This past Sunday during our morning service, he made a very interesting point. He used an illustration of a family who was close friends of he and his wife. The two families were eating diner one night, and as everyone was talking and catching up, he looked across the table at the couple’s youngest daughter. Instantly, he said to himself, “she looks exactly like her mother.” As the young girl grew older, she became more and more like her mother. The point is: we should be becoming more like Christ every day. Three months down the road, one year down the road, we should be able to look in the mirror and confidently say that we look more like Christ than we did three months, or one year ago. We come in contact with people every day. Our friends and our families should be able to look at us and KNOW that we are God’s children. Our “smiles” should imitate Christ! Can you grasp that? I know it’s definitely a hard concept for me to hold on to. Think about it though, if we are growing Christians, we are becoming more like Christ. That’s not just a saying, and it’s no gimmick. That’s our aim; to become more like Christ. I pray that in a year’s time, I can look back to where I’ve come from and say with a confident heart, that I look more like Jesus Christ that I did a year ago. Remember, we reflect Him; be sure to remind yourself once in a while.

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