Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Confronting Yourself"

For some reason, the past few days my mind has been jumping back and forth, to and fro, trying to come up with something to write about.( I get these “cravings,” I guess you could say, to simply get my thoughts on paper, or at least out of my head.) God has really been working in my life and I’ve known that He has given me something worth sharing, I just haven’t exactly figured out what He wants me to share. But I guess if I’m honest with myself, the places that God has been moving in my life are most likely the perfect places to begin. Self Confrontation; this basically sums it up. God has been teaching me a whole lot about my self and how small, imperfect, sinful, and judgmental I truly am. (Yes, something everyone aches with excitement to learn about themselves.) I mentioned this in my last post, but most of this can be solved if you’re willing to look into your prayer life. I’m not going to go into great detail of all the imperfections in my life, that’s the last thing I want to do. (And ill so graciously spare you the excitement) But I do want to share and hopefully inspire you to begin confronting yourself and the sin in your life. We are small. The Bible says we are: like dust, (Psalm 90:3) like grass, (Isaiah 40:6-8) like a flower of the field that flourishes and then is no more, (Psalm 103:15-16) like a vapor that vanishes away, (James 4:14) like a worm and not a man (Psalm 22:6). I know I need to hear this just as much, if not more, that anyone else out there; we view ourselves much too important than we truly are. We are stuck in a fad of comparing ourselves to others; essentially making ourselves feel better as we cast shadows onto the “less spiritual” or “less important.” We need a wake up call…I need a wake up call. Alone, I am nothing. We are all sinners in desperate need of a Savior. We, who know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior need to call on Him for His forgiveness, every moment of every day. It doesn’t end there. (Your welcome; I figured I should try and brighten the mood at least a little towards the end) Even though we are as of a vapor… here and then gone, like grass that dies, a flower that fades… God esteems us as His sons and daughters! His sons…and daughters!!! To put this into “cultural” terms, think about it like this: God has adopted us into His family. He sent His own son, flesh and blood, to take the punishment for the children who would one day become a part of His family as “step children” and even for those who would choose to deny Him. To be so small, yet loved so much, is a miracle. We need to be reminded of this truth daily. So be encouraged. There is a God who has chosen to give us life even though we deserve death. View yourself for what you are; then set your eyes on how God chooses to see you.

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