Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well, I know it’s a few days late, but Merry Christmas! I’ve been wanting to write this post for the past few days but I convinced myself that since family was it town, paintball wars were to be won, movies were to be seen, food was to be feasted upon, it could wait. I don’t know why, but this Christmas has been the best one yet.(for me anyway) No, I wasn’t loaded up with tons of gifs or taken anywhere too spectacular, I was simply more in touch with the TRUE meaning of Christmas on a personal level. I will give partial credit to the song by Relient K called I celebrate the day. This song pretty much says it all, it encompasses Christmas in the last s lines of the song.(well, the entire song is great, but the last 3 words really hit home for me.)

With this Christmas wish is missed.
The point I could convey
If only I could find the words to say to let You know how much You've touched my life
Because here is where You're finding me, in the exact same place as New Year's eve
And from a lack of my persistency
We're less than half as close as I want to be

And the first time
That You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever

And so this Christmas I'll compare the things I felt in prior years
To what this midnight made so clear
That You have come to meet me here

To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me
In the hope that what You did
That you were born so I might live
To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me

And I, I celebrate the day
That You were born to die

So I could one day pray for You to save my life

Just read those last few lines again. We celebrate the day that HE was born to die so we could one day, PRAY for Him to SAVE our lives. I remember when I was younger hearing people say that Jesus was born to die, but it NEVER really hit home until I heard this song. I know it’s hard to get wrapped up in festivities and “stuff,” not only at Christmas time, any time. If we would live each day, waking up and praying, singing, dancing to, doing whatever you want to do to those last 3 lines, I cannot help but wonder how different our lives would be. I pray that you had a Merry Christmas and I hope that you can look at life with a different perspective. Think of Jesus, think of His sacrifice and love Him more.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it be

God’s word amazes me. I was just talked into buying this book on learning how to STUDY God’s word. ( It didn’t take too much convincing, by the way.) I have been reading the book sort of “in place of” my normal devotional book. Living By The Book, by Howard G. and William D. Hendricks isn’t just a reading book. It teaches you how to study the God inspired words that make up His holy book. It has scripture for you to read and is really a “learning” book. Any way, my point is that I found myself longing for Gods precious word. The other night I decided to skip the book and just pray and read my bible. Well, I’m really glad I did because the passage God lead me to was definitely something I needed to hear. As I drug myself into my bed, I grabbed my glasses and my bible. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I though it appropriate to read a portion of the infamous and never dwindling Christmas story. Luke 1 is where my fingers flipped to. This Christmas, (well, almost Christmas. I guess when I say “this Christmas,” I’m really intending to refer to the time of the year…well, the several weeks leading up to Christmas…yeah, yeah, you get the point.) , I have really mediated and understood the true meaning of Christmas more that I ever have before. I guess I’ve really been inspired by the realization of Jesus, and what He did for me…and the entire existence of humanity. The portion of the story that I read was when the angel appeared to Mary and told her that God had chosen her to bare His son. After Gabriel had told Mary the news, in verse 37 he said, “ For with God, nothing will be impossible.” Vs. 38, “ Then Mary said, ‘Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” I have read this story a million times. But one thing immediately jumped out at me as soon as I had finished processing Mary’s words. “Let it be.” A young girl, who I believe was around the age of 15, was just told by an Angel of God that she was going to have a baby. Not just any baby, God’s only Son. Hello!? Marry accepted God’s will for her life without hesitation. Sure she was scared, but she said, “Let it be to me according to your word.” Not that she really had a choice in the matter, but she accepted Gods plan for her life. I am as guilty as the next person, and I know of so many people who know that God has a plan for their lives, yet they run as far away as possible from it. Without fail, we make plans for our life and what we want to do and where we want to go, but we don’t even bring the matter before God. Sometimes God asks us to do things that we don’t necessarily want to do, but just like Marry, if we accept Gods will and HIS plan, wonderful and marvelous things will happen. I’m sure there are many a people who have chosen to slap God in the face and deny His plan for them as they chase their shallow hopes and dreams which in essence lead to emptiness. Consider Mary’s words, and consider God’s leading on your heart…and let it be.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

One foot in, one foot out.

One foot in, one foot out; we see it every day. I was recently reminded of this simple truth through one of my friend’s facebook status. James 4:4 says, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Christians…true Christians don’t have a choice. If you choose to be a friend of God, you cannot live with one foot in the world and one foot out. It doesn’t work like that. Jesus Christ went and hung Himself on a cross and DIED so that we might have a relationship with Him. He didn’t hang half of Himself; He gave us all of Himself. Why should we expect anything less of ourselves? Some people may call me a stick in the mud and I suppose part of the time they are right. When I was younger, I used to get mad at my sister for listening to 89.5 instead of 88.1 because 89.5 had rockier music. (Air 1 rather than the Promise radio station.) Super legalistic, I know. I now listen to 89.5 all the time. It’s a great station with a great message. The reason I would get upset would be because I couldn’t tell that the music she was listening to honored God.( I was 10 so I didn’t really listen to the words) This seems kind of ridiculous but I believe it proves my point. So many Christians live their lives both ways. We live in the world and of the world. Our radio stations are programmed from Christian radio station, to Christian radio station, to country music, to crappy music. Our pockets are full of movie ticket stubs that range from Facing the Giants, to Blind Side, to filthy Will Ferrell movies.( excluding Elf, of course) We sing songs of worship on Sunday mornings yet we find ourselves leaking slang and curse words throughout the week. We aim and focus our lives on fitting into this world that we aren’t even supposed to be apart of. We are not offended by sin and it doesn’t break our hearts every time the guy sitting next us in math class uses Jesus’ name in vain every 5 minuets. Christians have become numb to the effects of sin and our hearts don’t long for purity and cleanliness like they should. We are adulterers! We are enemies of God and so often we choose to be friends of the world rather than with the One who longs to be with us. Thankfully, it doesn’t end here. God continues to love us; He continues to forgive our shortcomings and failures. He offers us hope and eternal life, love and peace. He offers us peace! How amazing. For a world that is desperately searching for peace…He freely offers, no strings attatched. Please, don’t get me wrong, and don’t think me to be some legalistic, finger pointing Christian. I’m not saying country music is bad or that we shouldn’t go to the movies. What I am saying is this: Let your sin, and the sin around you burden your heart. May it well up a desire within you to beg of God’s forgiveness and long for the returning of our King. Make an effort to love others with the love of Christ as you see the sin in our world. Remember that others are watching and remember that if you claim Christ, you bare His name…so don’t drag it through the mud.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


“Scars are there to remind us where we’ve been but they don’t have to dictate our future.” If that’s not a true statement, I don’t know what it. (figure of speech…calm down.) Scars can hurt, especially when you vividly remember how you obtained the little devil. This goes for physical scars and even emotional ones. I suppose this can all tie together with what I said in my previous post about how God takes us through the fire to make us stronger and more pure. Majority of the time, people, including myself, look at their scars as reminders of the bad; how they wish it would have been different and how they wish they didn’t have to have the scar. Sometimes, I guess people look at their scars and remember the bad but know it had to happen in order to accomplish a certain goal. A military vet. or an athlete come to mind. I was watching one of my favorite shows the other night, Criminal minds,(best show ever) and one of the characters made that statement concerning a team member who had just been through a traumatic experience. There is a lot of truth behind that quote even more to be learned from it. There will always be situations and circumstances that we have to pass through in life that will leave us with scars. But every time we look at the fused together skin or remember that terrible experience… regret, spite and hatred don’t have to pass through our minds or even consume our thoughts. You may have messed up in the past, but one failure, or even 1,000 failures don’t dictate who you are or what you can be. God has a marvelous plan for each one of His children who choose to surrender their hearts to Him! Don’t look at the past and let it dictate your future because it doesn’t have to. The ball’s in YOUR court…you make the move.

Monday, December 7, 2009

God, Gold, and Radio?

Christmas is definitely my favorite time of the year. Cold weather, Christmas music, school break, family, friends, lots and lots of food, Jesus’ birthday, (which is the MOST important part) ABC family’s 25 Days of Christmas….oh, and don’t forget the Hallmark movies!  96.1 plays Christmas music beginning on Thanksgiving Day, and I am definitely one of those people who listen to it non stop until they take it off the radio station. The Delilah show, which is the radio show at night, is my favorite. Sure, they do all the “love stuff” but Delilah always finds ways to encourage and inspire her listeners. I was driving home from some recreational volleyball the other night (highlight of my week, by the way) and as I jumped in the car, trying to make sure I didn’t arrive home too late, I caught the tale end of a conversation between a man who had called in to talk to Delilah. (Don’t quote me on this, because I know I don’t have all the facts.) Delilah asked the man if he knew how white gold was made. He said he didn’t and she began to describe the process. The minerals, or whatever is taken from the ground to make the gold, are taken out of the ground. The “gold maker” then takes the minerals and applies it to an intense heat. This process allows all the impurities and the darkish, brown color to fade from the gold while a shiny, platinum color takes its place. This is what God does to our hearts; He subjects us to intense heat and He takes us through trials. We don’t understand at the time why we have to endure such pain and hardships but it is not done in vain. You can see where this is all going can’t you….amazing right? God allows us to go through the hard times, the intense heat – just like the gold, all to purify us and to make us into something better, something stronger. I can tell you from experience, and any honest person will tell you that you learn more about God and who He is when He takes you through the valley than you ever do when you’re on the mountain top. Just like the “gold maker” never takes his eye off of the gold as it goes through the heat, God NEVER takes His eyes off of us when He allows us to go through the battles. He takes us through those times to make us stronger. There will always be fires and moments of intense heat in our lives, but NEVER forget that God has you in the Palm of His hand and He is clinching His fist and has NO intention of letting you go. What a thought….it gives me chills and makes my heart skip a beat. I hope it does the same for you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decisons, Decisions, Decisions; God's will?

Decisions; everyone makes them. A lot of the time we make conscious decisions and a lot more of the time we make unconscious ones. Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking in the “decision” area and have even sought wiser council on a certain subject matter. One of the ‘givers of the wisdom’ started talking about Gods will. He reminded me that Gods will isn’t something we have to go find. So many people, especially young adults in high school, get to that point in life where it begins to kick into high gear and they attempt to chase after Gods will for their lives. Well, as exciting as that sounds, it’s not how it works. God’s will is not something that you have to find, it’s something that you have to do. You have to decide that “you” are not what’s important. Instead of asking God, “Tell me Your will for my life,” you should be asking God, “What decision do I need to make to better accomplish your will for me.” If you think they’re the same…read them again and really think about it. This is where the decision factor comes into play. You can either decide to swallow your selfish pride and truly listen to God’s direction, or you can sit and soak in your complacency as you acquire that God send you a detailed letter with a step-by-step process of what you are supposed to do. A very wise man, (….Oh, it’s Dr. Brunson, who are we kidding here….everyone can see how God has blessed him) said that “Wisdom is putting into action what you already know.” That statement speaks VOLUMES. God doesn’t always give straight answers; surprise, surprise, surprise. Sometimes he expects is to live our faith and desire Him more. Switchfoot’s new CD, Hello Hurricane, has a song that says, “If it doesn’t break your heart it’s not love.” This could go in many different directions but the point I am trying to make with it is this: we should so YEARN for God, long to be with Him, long to serve Him, that it would break our heart to even think about being in a state of complacency or place where our hearts did not long to make a difference in His name. Seeking God’s will for your life isn’t as hard as you may think; the remedy is quite simple in fact: die to yourself, and ask the right questions. (So, maybe it is difficult to do. We are humans and our flesh can sometimes consume us, but I am reminded of a phrase I learned in good ole’ Sunday School in third grade, “With GOD on my side, I can face ANY challenge.”)