Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just what you need....right when you need it.

It’s amazing to me how God always gives you just what you need, right when you need it. Okay, I know this is GOD we are talking about, and everything about Him is amazing…but the fact that He loves us so much still astounds and humbles me. There have been some concerns and issues that have really been burdening my heart recently and I have found myself consumed in attempting to figure out how to make the right decision and choose the “correct path” to venture out on. By the time I realized I needed to stop trying to figure it out and let God work it out, my heart was overwhelmed and let’s just say my emotions were running rampant. (Since I’m a girl I’m allowed a few of those in my lifetime.) I remember driving in my car and just asking God to tell me what to do! We were having a nice little chat and I’m sure the people driving by me made an extra effort to hurry themselves along because a crazy person was on the loose. (So it’s a good thing it was dark and no one could see me.) I simply poured my heart out to Him. I told Him why I was scared and that more than anything I just longed to be in His will. I didn’t want my emotions to get in the way of one of the critical decisions I had to make, (…still have to make) and I didn’t want my own selfish desires or motives to get in the way of my thinking. I had been asking God to give me peace, and as soon as I realized why I had been worrying, and sincerely gave it to Him, peace is what He gave me. Right at the moment of defeat, He will give you everything you need to pick your head up and look straight to Him. Right after this little incident, He so graciously allowed me to run into someone whom I have great respect and love for and really used them to encourage me and lift me up in prayer. I know that was God. So be encouraged and never allow your pride to keep you from pouring out your heart before the Father who longs to hear your voice!


  1. You know you are so right! Whenever I am going through a rough patch in my life, whenever I hit a "brick wall" if you will in my life and have no idea what to do? I need to have a talk with God and give it over to Him wherever I am, right then and there! And the second I do, a peace comes out of no where and just fills me...of course we know that is the Holy Spirit :] But anyways I just liked this blog and figured I would comment on it. Im in love with my Savior and I love the fact that in those dark times He shines bright! God Bless and I guess I will ttyl sometime? lol

  2. 2 legit 2 legit to quit thats all i gotta say
