Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pride - a bitter bite to swallow

I have been doing my devotions in Daniel the past few weeks. John MacArthur has these bible commentaries, I guess you could call them, that go through the scriptures and provide detailed meaning to specific words and phrases throughout the passages. ( greatest quiet time books i have ever had) MacArthur brought up a great point about pride and caused me to look at it in a whole new light" Pride is the supreme temptation from Satan because pride is at the heart of his own evil nature...We will always be in a battle with pride until the Lord takes us to be with Himself. Our only protection against pride, and our only source of humility, is a proper view of God. Pride is the sin of competing with God, and humility is the virtue of submitting to His supreme glory..." . Chapter 4 is talking about King Nebuchadnezzar and how he was humiliated, to the point of becoming like the beasts of the earth, because of his pride and lack of humility. I know so many people who, if you dug down to the root of it, struggle so badly with pride because they are competing with God for supremacy over their lives. We all have issues with pride; it can be over the smallest issues, for example, admitting your wrong or even onto a bigger problem of remaining in your sin because you will not admit that you are a sinner in desperate need of a perfect Savior. In order for us to be effective witness for Christ, we must be meek and swallow our prideful arrogance. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." Join me in making a conscious effort to swallow your pride...when you're driving, before you pass judgement onto someone when simply passing them on campus, and when we are talking to our Perfect, Savior.

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