Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Different Direction

God has been doing a lot in my life these past few days. I think I say that just about every time I sit down and write – but hey, I’m certainly not complaining! Obedience has seemed to be ‘the’ beat to my drum lately. God has called each of us to be obedient at all times but lately He has really required me to die to my self and my fleshly wants all for the sake of obedience. It is never an easy task, obedience. In all reality it is probably one of the hardest tests to pass because our flesh desires to please self. It knows nothing but selfishness. I know the Lord is preparing me for something because this is the second ‘call to obedience’ He has beckoned me to that has had a major impact on my life. When I came to Truett I had purposed within my heart to play basketball. I have been raised an athlete. I love it. I played sports all throughout high school; it seemed as if I was at school and practices more than I ever was at home. So of course, given the opportunity to play sports in college was what I had convinced myself was next on my bucket list. As I began to allow myself to sink into the fact that I was now on my own, away from my family, at school, God began to press on my heart that basketball wasn’t on His list for me. I wrestled with this decision because, as some of you may know, I am a very ‘planned’ person. I like to know what’s going on. It’s a major struggle of mine because God doesn’t let you know what’s going on. He requires your faith. Anyway, I don’t mean to ramble. I began to pray and seek the Lords will for me in this aspect of my life. I was concerned with my choices because in my decision I was making a commitment; a commitment to be committed to one thing or to another. Athletics is something that I love and to ‘go a different route’ was something that I had never seriously considered. Lying before me was an option to get involved and to grow in Christ and ministry through a means that I have not had. I sought council from people I trusted and of course poured my heart out to Christ. The votes were tallied, the results are in – Emily Grooms is taking a different road. I so desire for Christ to be glorified in my life and I desire to serve Him with all of who I am, every single part of me. God has made Himself clear as clear can be that I am exactly where He wants me to be right now. I’m so excited to see where He will lead me because I know that He indeed has a plan for me while I am here. A plan to grow me and conform me more into the likeness of His Son.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear more...
    I'm praying for you as oft as I think of you!
    I'm much encouraged by your walk/faith in the LORD!

    Love you,
    Aunt K~
