Sunday, September 19, 2010

A TRUE Father

Wow. It has been way too long since I have taken the time to sit down and capture all that God has been doing in my life and put it into words. In no way will my senseless words do any justice for what God has been doing within my life and my heart. Apparently my world is one crazy whirlwind. Every single time I actually do sit down to write about it I babble on and on about how crazy my past weeks have been. It’s starting to become a trend and I guess I’m just going to have to accept it for what it is! In a nutshell, God has been teaching me about His love and provision in my life. He has reinforced over and over again that He is God and that He is in control. (Thank goodness He is. My life would be a WRECK if He allowed me to live it the way I think it needs to be done.) I have actually been struggling with something recently and it baffles me that I was actually having this battle in my mind. It wasn’t until I began to pour out my heart and ‘recent life story’ to my best friend that I began to understand that the very answer to my struggle was in my heart and mind the entire time. God has a plan for our lives. Isn’t that awesome? But you know what is even more mind-boggling? His plans for us are good! They are good. He doesn’t wish us to struggle. He has no intentions to harm us or to leave us. In every struggle He is there with us, fighting for us, believing in us and encouraging us to the finish line. This truth was made so real to me this past week in chapel at TMC. I love chapel by the way. It’s just about the only good thing that happens on Thursday’s…. the rest of my day is filled with the history of Ancient Greece and biology. Anyway, Dr. Brad Reynolds spoke and talked about running the race of life. He talked about God being our father, up in the stands, cheering us on to the finish line. He is up in the stands grabbing others who are around Him and saying, “That’s my girl!” “That’s my boy!” This is such an easy concept. Duh, God is our heavenly father. I knew that but it wasn’t until this chapel service that I actually understood it. I hate running. If someone told me I had a choice to either run 16 miles or die I would probably choose the death route…no joke. And I suppose that in this position as father, I had pictured God running beside me playing the role of coach. “Run harder, make your strides longer, pace yourself Em, keep going, almost there, DON’T stop.” To a point this is who He is. But even deeper, He isn’t that coach that is yelling at us out of love and commitment to finish the race, but He is our LOVING father whose heart is hurting as He watches us run in pain. He sweats with our sweat and He feels the pain that we feel. That’s our father; the same father that has GOOD and perfect plans for our lives. This doesn’t even skim the surface of what God has been doing in my life. But i have been absolutely dying to get someting out into words. So there you go.Be encuraged that He is YOUR loving Father who is FOR you.

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