Thursday, August 19, 2010


It has been a CRAZY few days, and that’s putting it nicely! I’m adapting to life without my mom and dad, my sisters, my bed, my dogs… what a rough life.  I am so thankful for this school. Truett-McConnell College has already blessed my heart and I attribute every ounce of that blessing to the fact that God has willed and allowed me to be here. Today was our first chapel day. Dr. Canter spoke and it was definitely a word from the Lord; convicting and inspiring. He spoke of the Prodigal son in a way I had never heard it told before. He focused on the father and used his actions as a picture of the gospel and evangelism. We have an amazing ‘chapel’ band who aided us in some extraordinary worship – it was divine, that’s the only word I can think of to accurately describe what it was. Throughout the past few days of orientation we have been privileged, as a school, to worship together at various times and places. I felt so at home when I looked around me and saw all the students, about my age…some older and some younger, worshiping and praising our Farther in Heaven for His work in each of our individual lives. I literally thought to myself, ‘Where have all of you been?’ It has been an answer to prayer to be around people who truly love the Lord. (Not that any of you back in J-vile aren’t…it’s been a burden on my heart for quite some time and God really blessed me when He placed me here at TMC.) Today at chapel God really burdened my heart during our worship time. Those of you who know me know that I am not a publicly emotional person. Well, as we began to sing songs of praise to our God, who sits on the throne, perfect in power, holy, and full of grace, and my heart simply broke. The wall of ‘toughness’ came down and tears began to roll down my face as I sang. It was one of those moments that I think I will remember for the rest of my life. God burdened and broke my heart as I worshiped and I was in complete awe of Him; His very name. I was overwhelmed by His grace and faithfulness in my life. I was taken back by His divine providence and protection He has placed on me for the past 19 years. My birthday is today – the big 19! Whoop whoop!  My cousin texted me this morning right before we stood up to sing to wish me a happy birthday and he told me he hoped I was having a lot of fun and a great time. That meant so much to me. I don’t know why it did – but God used it to absolutely bless my heart. As I was singing I was again overwhelmed at how blessed I was to have such a wonderful family. Throughout the entire service, even during the invitation, I experienced worship. I thought the tears had stopped rolling but the waterworks just kept on leaking. God’s grace and mercy…there are no words to accurately describe the two. And if there are words I certainly could not give them proper credit. Even this very moment I am captivated by God’s love for me. Sometimes we forget how much of nothing we are without Him. We forget that our sin separates us completely from Him and that without His grace and mercy in our lives we would be dead, without Him. Remember that and remember to worship Him. Don’t ever take the opportunity to worship for granted.

1 comment:

  1. So THRILLED you're enjoying your new home away from home.
    I love reading your heart.
    Your words are uplifting!
    Much love to you,
    Aunt K~
