Monday, June 7, 2010

Who Is This Guy?

I’m reading a book called, Dug Down Deep, by Joshua Harris. My dad had been reading the book and when he was finished he passed it down to me. I LOVE to read but I don’t read near as often as I would like. (Even my brain eggs me to read more; Silly brain.) This is a great book and I would recommend it to everyone. It’s a great picture, well, not so much a picture but more of a guide or an outline of how important it is to know the theology of the faith centered on Jesus Christ. I was reading a chapter that was dealing with how miniscule and in lack our perception and understanding of God really is. There is no way I can give justice to the authors thoughts on this matter so I will most likely be typing out several of his words as well as a few of my own. “Once, as I was shopping in a mall, I noticed a woman working at a kiosk that sold beads or jewelry. She had no customers. She was leafing through a magazine. And I had a strong sense that I should go talk to her about God. Trying to be bold, I walked up and said, ‘Excuse me, but I just felt that I was to tell you that God loves you.’ She looked up from her magazine with the most bored, disinterested expression imaginable, raised one eyebrow, and said, ‘I know that,’ and immediately turned back to her magazine.” Joshua Harris goes on to say that so many people take lightly the idea of God loving them; and not only the idea of His love – but who He is in His entirety. As he attempted to “lightly” touch on the subject of God and His holiness, I really began to think. When I pray and tell God I love Him – do I know with whom I am calling upon? When I drive throughout the wonderful and exciting city of Jacksonville, do I realize who I am speaking to? Do I have the proper understanding of God or am I simply caught up in my, oh so lovely, stick to the plan, routine? I have begun to realize that so often when I carry on a conversation with God it most likely sounds like a conversation I would have with a good friend. (Obviously, you know it’s a little different than speaking with a friend…); Almost as if I am speaking to someone…like myself. This IS the problem. God is NOTHING like me. As Mr. Harris put it, “I behold a God who is utterly and wonderfully different from me.” Still not convinced of my point? Or maybe you just don’t see it clear enough. Well, let me give you some scripture. I am created while God is the creator. (Gen.1:1) Unlike God, who is eternal, I have a beginning. God has no end and He has no beginning. He has always existed and will exist long after we are ALL gone. (Psalm 90:2) Acts 17:24-25 says, God “does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” We are dependent beings. We need food and water…sleep and some activity and excitement every now and then. “God is self-existent. He does not rely on anything outside Himself. He has life in Himself and draws His unending energy from himself." He doesn’t need us, or anything. Job 4:24 declares of God’s omnipresence. I’m working on it but I haven’t figured out how to be in 2 places as once yet. God is omnipotent and-all knowing. He knows all things. He doesn’t have to ask for help when it comes to math problems, He doesn’t need a Magellan to figure out directions. Jeremiah 32:17 declares that NOTHING is too difficult for God and Hebrews 4:13 talks of how nothing is hidden from the Lord’s sight. I realize, for those of you who have read the entire page that this is a lot of information. But think about it: We do not consider God to be who He truly is. He is God. Do you understand that this same God who is all of these things, perfect in power and strength, Creator of the universe, loves you!? This baffles me and I can hardly grasp this. God…loves me; A sinner. There is such a HUGE difference between my finite body and the amazing, holy, presence of the eternal God. “Forgive me Lord when I fail to give you the respect and honor that You are due.” I urge you to take a step back and look into your life – how are you treating God? Is He getting the respect from you, His child, which He deserves?

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