Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sin: That Dirty Devil

Ahhh! Finally, some writing time; (Forgive my rambunctious thoughts as they may jump around a bit!) A few weeks ago my Aunt was praying as we opened up a work meeting. We always begin our meetings in a time of scripture reading and prayer time. I love this! She began to tell a story that made me think in a HUGE way. It’s a bit graphic in some ways, but so powerful. It went somewhat like this: Imagine a couple working out in their yard one afternoon. It’s hot, a bit steamy outside. Their six year old child wanders out into the yard playing on his newly greased scooter. (Man, can he go FAST!) All of a sudden a car drives by and pulls up to the side of the driveway. A masked man jumps out with a knife in his hands. He approaches the child, slits his throat, drops the knife, runs back into his getaway car and then he’s gone. As the two parents scramble over to their baby boy, lying lifeless in the grass, pain and agony flush their dumbfounded faces. But what about the knife? What do you think the parents would have done with the knife? Would they have taken it inside, cleaned their child’s blood off of the sharp blade, place it above the mantle place where all could see? Would they show it off with pride when company was over and say, “THIS is the knife that cut our baby! Isn’t it wonderful?” NO! They would hate that knife. They would destroy it and want nothing to do with it. The same goes for our sin. We should hate the sin in our life. We shouldn’t cling to it and store it away. Just as God hates our sin, so should we. This is definitely an emotional story. Even as I have re-written it out for all of you to read, feelings of anger, sadness, and hopelessness have all come and gone. (Poor little boy…and I hate that knife.) Something that God has been pointing out to me lately is that my heart and person need to be so close and intertwined with Him that His plans become my plans. What God wants for me, I want for me. Whatever His dreams for me are, I want those to be my ambitions. God hates my sin – and so should I. Just like that knife – that’s my sin to God. It creeps up, like a lion, seeking to destroy me. (1 Peter 5:8) "God may I be reminded of how sinful I am and how wonderful Your GRACE is." Don’t let Satan convince you that your sin isn’t a big deal – it’s a big enough deal to put Jesus on a cross.


  1. Emily,

    You may remember the difficult time we had several years ago as we watched a host of people coming and going (for a couple of years) from our neighbor's home...what a disgrace their behavior was to our neighborhood, and it seemingly took forever for something to be done about it!
    Meanwhile, there were nights I could not sleep for all the noise and activity taking place! The LORD convicted me one night that 'their' sin was no worse than my humbled I was to consider this! How repentant I was of my angry spirit and prideful attitude. I began praying for those people that night, seeing them as God saw them, sinners in need of a Savior, and so asked the LORD to mercifully save them from their destructive lifestyles. I prayed for each one in our family, that we'd recognize the 'seemingly' little sins in our lives early and confess them quickly, for sin is sin, and in God's eyes, all sin is unholy, and separates us from Him. He sees no measure of sin, as we seem to see!
    "Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
    He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart..." (Psalm 24:3-4).
    Eventually, the LORD brought deliverance to our neighborhood, and the people went away, yet there's seldom an 'anniversary' that goes by that I do not think of those people and their need for a Savior!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart! I always enjoy reading your blog.
    You are a blessing to me~
    Aunt K~

  2. Aunt Karen, you ALWAYS encourage me! Thank you for your thoughts. It is so true - i am reminded of that often as i attend school at FSCJ that there are so many people who simply do not know and do not understand the love God has for them despite their sin.

  3. That reminds me of when Reverend Eppling asked us how much we think God hates our sin. He said, "Your sin killed His Son. How do you THINK He feels about it?"

    That was an awesome analogy. (:
