Monday, March 1, 2010

Where's your focus?

Have you ever been going through something where you wondered, “What the heck is going on?” “Why is this happening to me and why my life is turning out like this?” Some words of wisdom that I have received over the years: If you don’t like where you’re headed…turn around. Simple, huh? maybe too simple. I remember a time in my life where I asked myself the same question. I didn’t like where I was headed and I wanted to change it. It took a while to get my wheels turning in the right direction, but I did it. Rather, God did it. I have also found throughout my many years of life, (that would be sarcasm) that I will attempt to read the mind of my infinite Father. We all come across temptations and trials; as I would approach these dirty devils I would attempt to uncover their true intentions. What was the motive behind this difficulty I was soon to be facing? Was it a test from God or was it a trap from Satan? (Oh, to simply trust God in all things would grant life a sweeter fragrance.) I was doing my devotion last night and came across something that really screamed my name. (Not literally, come on now. It was simply something that “jumped” out at me and said, “Hey, you need to hear this.”) “Every circumstance is a test from God or is used by our fleshly desires or Satan as a temptation to sin. So in every difficulty, your choice is either to stand firm and grow in Christlikeness or to sin and suffer the consequences. To respond biblically to the circumstance, do not focus on trying to discover if it is a test or temptation. Rather, focus on pleasing God in every circumstance.” I am going to implore you to read the last quotation once more; maybe even twice. That is some deep stuff. God has been really teaching me a lot about myself lately and how to handle and overcome certain sins in my life. (Ooohhh, yes, we all have sins in our life…go work on yours :) I’ll spare you the agonizing yet exciting details and jump straight to the point.  I have failed miserably in regards to dealing with the opportunity to deal with this area in my life. It’s a relational issue and let’s just say, I haven’t exactly been the image of Christ. (Which I should be) Instead of me trying to figure out what the deal is, why there’s a problem to begin with, how I’m supposed to fix it and why the other person isn’t doing their part, I should be focusing on pleasing the Lord. Sounds so simple right!? That’s because …it is. Imagine that. All God asks of us is be obedient. When those tests…temptations…attacks from Satan, whatever they are come, focus on pleasing God whether it is in your words, actions, or even your thoughts. Love others the way Christ loves us.

1 comment:

  1. Neat thought. I have a habit of wanting to know what's going on and how it'll affect me, before i start on something. I need to trust that God knows what He's doing. ;)
    It's nice reading your thoughts, keep it up!
