Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A little bit of me

I know what you’re thinking. “This is a REALLY long post.” I’m not too sure as to how many people read my blogs. (I am SO grateful for those of you who do) I’m going to get a little personal with you guys so hold on tight…it should be an EXCITING ride. I can see your eyes being filled with excitement and wonder as I speak. Hah…okay. I thought I would give you a little insight as to where I am at this current stage of my life. Some of you may know that I am currently praying about transferring schools for this next fall semester. It’s been a long road of praying and seeking out God’s will – and a journey that will continue for the rest of my life. I recently had to write an essay which was required for applying for a certain scholarship. It briefly shares my testimony and why I wish to pursue a Christian education. I know not too many of you actually know why I am planning on transferring schools so I thought I would briefly share my heart with you…just because. I hope it will allow you to gather some information about where I am and hopefully allow you to pray for me as I begin to make this GINORMOUS transition in my life – because I know it will test me and try me. Yes, I know it’s rather lengthy – I wrote it. A little background information: this was for a student leadership scholarship. I was required to give my personal testimony, explain why I wished to pursue a Christian education, and explain my value of and experience in leadership. Enjoy 

There is more to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ than simply accepting Him. When you encounter Jesus – He changes your life; permanently. So many Christians lose sight of their purpose in Christ. He calls us to take up our cross daily. “And He was saying to them all, If any one wishes to come after Me he must deny Himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.”(Luke 9:23-34) What a great example of leadership – someone willing to die to themselves for the sake of Christ. This is a calling that God beckons to each of His children.

When I was eight years old, the pastor of my church passed away. We attended Dr. Lindsey’s funeral and as Dr. Vines, the associate pastor, was talking about heaven, my mind began to wander and I decided that I wanted to go there someday. When we got home, I began to ask my mom questions about heaven and what exactly happened to Dr. Lindsey when he died. As I sat there listening to my mothers narrative presentation of the Gospel, the Lord began to water the seed. I had grown up in the church my entire life. I knew the verses and I loved the stories; but on that day, I began to understand all that I had “known,” on a personal level. I knelt next to my mom, beside my bed, and prayed and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. Since then, my life has been full of joys, stumbles, excitements, and heart aches. But that’s what a walk with Jesus Christ is all about. I was in the eighth grade when God really began to grip a hold of my heart and that’s when I first began an intimate relationship with Him. My youth pastor had inspired me to dig into Gods word for myself and discover all the marvelous truths He had for me. I began a personal devotion time with God, and since then I have never been the same. I committed myself to do whatever God asked me to do, to go wherever He asked me to go. I found out later that that is easier said than done. During my junior year of High school God really decided to test my commitment to Him. I came to the conclusion that God wanted me to prepare myself to go away to school after I graduated. I eventually accepted the proposition and almost immediately met it with strife and opposition. Satan was after me and I caused myself to stumble. To make a long story short, I refused to accept Gods will for my life and spent a year running from it. It’s amazing all that God can teach you in a years’ time. I think back on all the hardships that I essentially caused myself and have asked myself the question, “Emily, would you opt for a redo if given the opportunity?” The answer is over and over again, “No.” God has grown me in ways that I never thought possible. He has taught me to love Him and to rely on Him when all is well, and when all is chaos. He has, so gracefully, brought me to a place where I am committed to His will for my life, to a place where my heart yearns to serve Him and seek out His word. I am in love with my Savior and simply want to follow His direction in my life; I know that God will use me, and anyone for that matter, in marvelous and extraordinary ways if they commit themselves to Him. That’s what I’m doing: Loving Christ, serving others, and making a difference, all in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Why choose to pursue a Christian education? When I started at Florida State College this past Fall I knew that it was not where God wanted me. I have such an overwhelming desire to be educated by a system that not only strives for educational excellence but one that accepts God’s Word as supreme authority. There is so much more to being educated than simply learning the facts. God has given us knowledge through His word and I believe He expects us to use our knowledge for His honor and glory. I want to serve Christ with my life, through my desired occupation, and in essence my education. That’s why I want to attend a Christian college.

Leadership is something I value. It is a very important role that needs not to be taken lightly. When I was in middle school my leadership abilities were really strengthened. I learned the significance of the roll and how important it is to have strong leadership. This was then transitioned into my own life as I moved up on the totem pole and was placed in leadership positions myself. I was captain of the Varsity volleyball and basketball team for both my junior and senior year of high school. I learned that to be a good leader you have to be willing to serve. Leaders are given more responsibility and the phrase, “With great power comes great responsibility” takes on an entire new meaning. I was elected by my peers to be on the homecoming court my senior year – a position chosen based off of: personal testimony, Christian character, and leadership. I was also editor of my high school newspaper for both my junior and senior year. I have also been involved with the sports ministry program at my church – leading devotions and even coaching young girls on the basketball court.

Attending a Christian college is something I know God wants me to do. I believe He wants to use me in the lives of other Christians: writing and urging them the pursue and intimate relationship with Him, never settling for mediocrity in their walk with Christ, and never being content at where they are, but always moving forward. There is so much more to learn about life and the world we live in. I know God’s Word says it all and I want an education with a biblical foundation.


  1. Emily,

    I so love reading your heart! I am so blessed by you!
    I will surely pray with you concerning the days ahead, and all the LORD has for you.
    I look forward to seeing HIM do a GREAT work in your life. Being in the center of HIS will is the safest/best place to be!

    His best blessings to you!
    Aunt K~

  2. Em I am prayin for you and will cont!! Your writings are always an encouragement to me! Thanks for sharing your heart!
