Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Busy, busy, busy! At times, life really does seem like there is simply too much going on. The past month I have had a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and comforts. I’ve even hit a few realizations as well. (Hooray! As long as I’m learning) I suppose I’ll get started on my little rant: satisfaction. The question I really want to focus on is “What does it take for you to be satisfied?” As a Christian we should be satisfied in Christ. The beautiful hymn, It Is Well, comes to mind. That exact peace in the Lord to say it is well in the midst of terrible circumstances. (My favorite hymn!) I met up with a dear friend this past weekend. I haven’t seen in her quite sometime so it was very nice to have her company. As we chatted away we began discussing how we have really started to notice how so many self proclaimed Christians have been choosing to satisfy themselves in worldly things. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but when you begin to yearn for the things of this world you may want to take a look into your heart because I’m here to bet that something isn’t quite where it needs to be. Guys, Christ is our aim. As a Christian, why should we be longing for the attention of sin? Essentially, that’s what we are doing when we place ourselves in situations where sin will be enticing us to its luscious pleasures. But in the end, it never ceases to leave you empty, broken, and longing for more. Why even entertain the thought of having those few moments of sinful pleasure? We should be doing everything but! Praying and begging God that we never get to that point where we truly long to fall away from Him. Of course, He loves us so much that no matter what we do He will always love us, but He doesn’t always give us second chances. (I’m going to write a blog on this later. There’s a song that plays on Air 1 radio by Stellar Kart that talks about how there will always be second chances. Well, in reality – we don’t always get another chance up at bat. But, I’ll save that for another day.) We cannot abuse God’s love and so many times I believe that Christians do. We tell everyone about how much God loves us but we fail to mention His holiness and justness – without it, His love wouldn’t mean as much as it does. It breaks my heart to see so many Christians – being satisfied in their walk with God; being content in playing both roles, one at church and one at school. It’s time to be REAL. A friend of mine in high school would always say, “Let’s be real guys.” So lets! BE REAL. Don’t settle for anything or anyone. Get some convictions and stick to them – but I don’t want to hear about any of those wimpy convictions that straddle the fence. Go all out for Jesus, because He gave His ALL for you.
2 Corinthians 3:5-6, “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.”
Our adequacy is in Christ. Not in this world and not in the people of this world. Remember that, and claim Him as YOURS!

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