Thursday, April 8, 2010

He is Risen!

Well, I’ve ventured to Tampa many a times; but never as the driver. It’s a quick trip, never longer than three and half hours depending on how many stops we make. Today is Easter. (He is risen! He is risen indeed! – I feel as if I must say it) After I tended to the Easter festivities with my family this afternoon I made my way down the scenic 301, I hate that road, and on to 75 so I could spend the fist half of my spring break with my sister and her family. As I was driving I found myself actually enjoying the peace and quiet. Some of you may think it’s weird, but I actually do enjoy being alone at times and as I convinced myself to enjoy the what seemed like never ending roads of 301, I had some time to reflect on what today actually means. It’s Easter – every Christian knows that Easter is the time we celebrate when Jesus conquered death and paved the way for us to go directly to the Father. Dr. Brunson really hit it home this morning. His sermons are always inspiring but this morning it was not only inspiring but refreshing and convicting as well. God has really been convicting me lately about my lack of enthusiasm for sharing the gospel. I mean, I want to, but I find a million and one excuses as to why I can’t or shouldn’t. (None of them are good enough reasons not to, by the way.) As I sat their thinking about the sermon and my lack of tenacity for sharing the gospel I kept being reminded of the one verse Mac Daddy Brunson (I say that with the UPMOST respect) touched on this morning. Luke 24: 11-12. “But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them. But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings only; and went away to his home, marveling at what had happened.” I don’t know about any of you but when I read this passage I see an image of Peter – running as fast as he can, darting through crowds, leaping over sticks and stumps in the road; forget the parents claim that they walked through rain, sleet, and snow so they could get to school on time or so they could change the channel. This guy was running full force because of the LOVE that he had in his heart for Jesus. I have to think – do I run to Jesus like Peter ran to see if his Savior had risen from the dead? Do I have the tenacity to hear His words or be reminded of His truths and immediately get up and RUN to carry out the message of Christ? Peter stooped and looked into the tomb. He didn’t stop a mile away when he saw the huge stone had been rolled away. I know what I’m saying is a different way of looking at the verses, but my aim is this – where are you and the gospel? Too many of us Christians operate our lives in this small little bubble that we convince ourselves that we don’t need to share the gospel. “Sure it’s needed, but let someone else who knows more lost people do it.” Our lack of tenacity for the gospel should break our hearts and make us sick. Guys, Jesus is RISEN. There is a lost, dead, and dying world that needs to know there is VICTORY in death and VICTORY over sin through Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus to you? Is He your ticket to heaven, some guy you talk about in church, your Shield, your Father? He’s ALIVE and He’s God’s Son. We have got to start sharing His love, His nature, and His justness with the world. Pray for the courage of the believers – to take a stand and share Jesus. Happy Easter – He is RISEN, He is risen INDEED!

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