Wednesday, February 3, 2010

There's a Purpose to The Madness

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His service.” I’ve memorized that verse 100 different times, for 100 different purposes. Today, I finally grasped a hold of what it means. A very dear friend of mine was at a conference this past January called Passion. One of the speakers at the conference was Beth Moore. I’ve grown up hearing about Beth Moore from my mom and you cannot grow up in a Baptist church without at least hearing her name. My friend gave me a copy of a message that she spoke at the conference and as I listened to It, I literally felt like God was speaking directly to me. (Wonderful experience by the way) So, since I’m this little writer girl, who apparently looks like she’s 14, (according to the lady at Ross) I figured I would enlighten you on how God spoke to my heart in hopes of encouraging you. (Well, those few people who actually take time and read my posts, thank you.) Each of us has gone through different things in our lives. We’ve all had those “trials” and “testy” times in our life where we’ve fallen hard and had our faces against the pavement. (It hurts, by the way.) This verse in Romans talks about God causing everything in our lives to work together for the good, to accomplish a purpose. This was put into an entire new perspective for me. The things in our past that we have gone through play an essential role in who we are going to become for Christ. There are certain things that we get from those uncertain circumstances that allow us to be used by God in a way that if they hadn’t of happened, we would not be able play that certain “role” that we are playing right this very second. God equips us for our purpose by preparing us with life. God wants us to stop despising what He has allowed us to go through and look at it as a roadmap of where we have come and where we are going. If God did not see our circumstance as a way to bring good out of it, He would not have permitted and allowed it to happen. Can you see that? I hope so because it radically changed my thinking. Yes, I know this is part of who God is. He wills that everything we go through have good come from it…but do you know that personally? Because once you truly grasp your heart around it your perspective of life will be radically changed. I’ve been there, I have friends who have been there and who are here in this exact place, right now. Life is crashing down around you. You have no idea why you are where you are. What’s the purpose of “here,” and your learning to trust God completely…in everything. It’s not easy and it isn’t the most glorious adventure to begin embarking on. But you know what? It becomes the most glorious adventure when you embark on obedience to God. He will take you where you’ve never dreamt of being. So even in the midst of those testy times, I encourage you to know why you’re there. You’re there because God has permitted you to be there. This time in your life will majorly impact who God has planned and willed for you to be. Trust Him. Cling to Him. HE know's what He's doing. I can promise you, He know's a lot better than we do.

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