Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love God, Love others

God never leaves you hanging. Thank goodness He doesn’t! He takes us through life, showing us great and mighty things; He teaches and gives us the opportunity to learn. Life lessons aren’t always the easiest or most fun to sit through. I’d rather sit through a days worth of lectures on chemistry than have to swallow my arrogance and pride in order to learn, yet again, another lesson in life. But life isn’t supposed to be like that. We aren’t to dread being taught or despise the “empty and mundane” tasks of life. Ecclesiastes 2:24 and 3:12-13 say, “There is nothing better for a man to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God.” “ I know that there is nothing better for them to rejoice and to do good in ones lifetime; moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor – it is the gift of God.” In everything we do, we should be bringing praise and honor to God. Our life shouldn’t be filled with tediousness, but joy. This quote places those verses into perspective: "Our obedience and love for God are demonstrated not so much in situations where it is EASY to obey, but often in the ROUTINE, mundane, and seemingly UNPLEASENT tasks of life." (Self Confrontation wb) I mean, think about it. When I have to pay $2.75 for gas, my heart doesn’t tend to leap for joy. When I’m given 3 tests in 1 week, my heart sinks and I want quit. When I walk into my room and it’s a mess, I just want to turn around and walk right back out. What we really should be experiencing is a desire for obedience. Pump your gas, and don’t complain; God PROVIDES. Study for your tests and be wise with your time; when it’s time to routinely clean your room and do laundry, do it with joy. Sometimes God will take you to a similar place of failure so you may experience VICTORY through Him. It isn’t easy facing the music of a familiar horror film from your past; and giving up your own fleshly desires for the sake of obedience may not ever seem like the high road…but there’s a purpose. View each and every opportunity as a chance to be an obedient servant to the One who gave His life for you. Love God and love others.

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