Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well, I promise to update this more than once a week. There are so many things I could write about but once again the “topic” I had set aside to discuss has been demoted for a more recent update on what was preached in church tonight.  Rev. Smyrl preached on Romans 8 and focused in on verse 31,
“If God is for us, who is against us?”
He also talked about justification, which is where I want to spend my time. (This one will actually be short!) Rev. Smyrl gave an example of a real life event that had happened to him. He and a man had been having a conversation about this topic and this is what the man said. “I think I get it. So we, as humans and sinners, (one in the same) have a dirty, sinful, and broken inside, but because of Jesus we are covered by His goodness on the outside – that’s how it works. That’s why a holy God can look at us, even though we are sinful creatures.” (I’m paraphrasing by the way, despite my wonderful listening skills I cannot remember exactly what was said during the service.) Rev. Smyrl replied and said, “You’re asking the right questions but you see, it’s the exact opposite. When we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ, He makes us new. He purifies and cleanses our INSIDE and until we arrive in Heaven where He will give us new glorified bodies, we are stuck in this OLD WRAPPER.” Did you catch that!? I did not realize, until tonight, that I had a completely distorted view of justification. God has cleaned my inside and made it white as snow – He has called me daughter and has made me and heir, which completely blows my mind. I am a sinner, yes – but I have been made new and I long for the day when Christ’s work will be completed in me and I will obtain my glorified body.

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