Tuesday, January 18, 2011

White as Snow

This Florida girl has had a pretty interesting few weeks. Last Sunday, my friends and I eagerly anticipated the coming snow storm – of course, we drove to pizza hut to celebrate the school being closed for Monday; we didn’t expect to not have school for an entire week! Yes, no classes for 5 days…in college, at Truett-McConnell College, located in Cleveland, Ga. I will be the first one to tell you that I was ecstatic about the coming storm. My good friend Becca came into my dorm room on Saturday and told me that we had to go get the ‘essentials’ from Wally-World. I replied, “Oh yeah we better go. Wait, what are the essentials?” We did not stock up enough. Lesson # 1 – when a snow day is anticipated stock up on frozen dinners and anything you can heat up in the microwave. I set my alarm on Monday morning for 7:45. I think I would have gotten up earlier but I decided to let my friends sleep in at least a little while. I walked out of my room, turned to the right, looked outside the window, and stood there with my mouth hanging open, speechless. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The trees were covered with sparkling white snow and the ground was untouched; perfectly flat, soft as cotton. I then proceeded to run and wake my friends up, only to find them groggy and wanting to stay in bed. (Come on y’all!!!) I was met with a “You are crazy!” as well as a locked door. (Thank you Becca, Sarah, and Alicia : ) We played that entire day and then crashed that afternoon. The next few days were met with the excitement of no school and the dreadful terror of snow that had turned into ice which then led to cabin fever. And when I say cabin fever I mean CABIN FEVER. We were all just about to go crazy. However, we made the most of our time: played games, watched movies - the redbox saved our lives! Finally the week past, and as I look back I see where God taught me a LOT. I haven’t blogged in forever and I believe that that is the work of Satan. I simply haven’t ‘felt’ like writing, which is a gift God has given me, and Satan has successfully gotten me to ‘pause.’ Well listen here Satan; it’s time to PRESS play! (I don’t know why I just got off on that tangent, I promise there is a method to my madness!) Sunday finally came, thank goodness! And during the worship time of the service, the Tim Johnson band, a band from Truett, was invited to lead a few songs during worship. The leader started out talking about the snow. Oh man, this is where it gets GOOD!!! He simply said, “The best part about the snow is looking out and seeing all the white and knowing that God has taken our crimson hearts and washed them WHITE as SNOW! I was convicted, excited, hopeful, and full of joy when he spoke those words. I had thanked God for the snow, but I had forgotten to really praise His name and give Him glory for what He had done in my life. The perfect simile: He washed me white as snow. I was stained crimson with my sin; but God sent Jesus to take my place and He washed all of my ‘blood’ away and He changed me and made me WHITE as snow. I simply cannot get over that. “Thank you for the snow Lord, bring us more that I may worship you through it! Forgive me when I sin and thank You for making me clean and washing me as white as snow."