Saturday, December 11, 2010

Life is tough but God is FAITHFUL

Man, what a rush. I’m a tad bit out of breath and my heart is about to beat out of my chest! No, not because I’m ‘that’ out of shape but because of the excitement and encouragement God, just moments ago, placed within my spirit. (I was all of a sudden overwhelmed with the desire to write down the thoughts and feelings God has placed in my heart. And for those of you who know me well will understand as to why I just sprinted down the hall, up the stairs to grab my Bible and computer so that I could jot down my thoughts.) I’m in the lobby of my dorm where at this very moment a group pf people are gathered watching ‘Charlie St. Cloud.’ (Great movie, by the way.) I’m seated in the back of the room, attempting to study for my Old Testament final I have Monday morning. I just finished trying to help my dear Wynn study for his math final – but as my mother so delicately put it, ‘Em, that’s like the blind leading the blind.’ It’s the thought that counts me suppose. One of the concepts I was studying on my review sheet was the prophetic actions of Jeremiah. The one particular action I was committing to memory was the Almond tree – its significance was that God would fulfill His word. This past week has been absolutely a whirlwind! God has tested my faith in His faithfulness and at times I didn’t even recognize that that’s what He was doing. My dad has been in and out of Doctors offices with an unusual back pain, finals started this week, and those everyday, nagging circumstances and problems have been hitching a ride on the ‘Emily train,’- and life is just tough. (This all ties together, I promise.) As I was trying to remember Jeremiahs prophesy of the Almond Tree and God’s faithfulness, the visual learner inside of me took a glance outside in search of a tree to associate with this certain prophetic question. As I looked at the tree outside my dorm I was thinking, “There ya’ go Em, God is faithful to fulfill His promises. Look, he takes care of the trees.” And it was at this moment that I decided to race up the stairs in search of my Bible and computer. This past week God has tested my trust in Him. It’s just been one of those weeks; nothing horrible happened but it’s just been a struggle to get through. I’ve poured out my heart to God and searched His word for verses on faith and hope. I was blessed beyond belief with the verses He brought to my attention. This is one of the reasons His word is so important and dear to my heart – it is my hope. I’m so thankful that the Lord is sure to fulfill His promises. He is always faithful whether we deserve it or not. I am blessed to have such wonderful friends and a wonderful family to love and encourage me. I’m also very thankful for the wonderful young man God has placed in my life. Wynn reminded me the other day that life is tough. But the reason we have joy and hope is because of Jesus Christ. We get in these dark spots in life and sometimes forget that the Light of the World is living inside of us. When we are overwhelmed by our struggles and by life itself, we need to remember who are hope is in – the faithful Father. Don’t be troubled by your troubles. We are not promised tomorrow so we need to live our lives in the HOPE and faithfulness of the Lord today. Love, laugh, live, cry, sing, dance, eat :] , hope, run, play, conquer, and don’t get tangled up in what could have been; take what the Lord has given you and USE it for His glory. 3 days till Christmas break! Luke 1:37, “For NOTHING will be impossible with God.”