Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Loving one another...it's tough.

It’s funny what God will use to teach you things. A couple weeks ago, I went with my good friend, and a handful of other people, on a ‘mini road trip’ for the weekend. It was a lot of fun and definitely a different experience than I expected it to be. I was a bit nervous about the ‘big adventure’ – solely because some of the people that had decided to tag along weren’t exactly the people I ‘chummed’ around with all the time. My heart had become haughty and these were the ones I often found myself wondering why they were even attending TMC. Nevertheless, 2 of my very best friends were in the group and it was destined to be a fun time filled with memories! (I am going to try and not drag this story out – I tend to do that; but I will give it my best to get to the point.) That night, a certain group of people decided to involve themselves in things that did not represent Christ, the school they attend, or themselves. This saddened my heart and really angered my spirit. I was disappointed in a few, angry at some others, and relieved when my best friend decided not to partake in the folly of ‘temporary fun’ – whatever his reasons. That night, some sleeping arrangements were rearranged and our wonderful host found it within her heart to put up the ‘disadvantaged’ boy on her couch. I know he was relieved; but I can guarantee you, I was more so. As we ventured off to bed and goodnights were being exchanged, my best friend hollered at me and said, “Hey, you wanna’ say prayers with me?” I was a little surprised at his request, nonetheless joyful and excited that he desired to join in prayer together; I suppose I will give credit to the ‘wee’ hours of the morning as to why I was a bit taken back – I shouldn’t have been, but I was. Of course, I agreed. I knelt down by the once, shaggy headed boy who was curled up on a couch too small for his long core, who had rumpled up the sheets trying to get comfortable. As he prayed, my spirit was convicted and touched. He prayed for his friends. He acknowledged that God, the same God who loves him and me, loves them just as much despite their bad judgment. Now, I’ve been raised with the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together” as a mission statement in choosing my friends and those who I hang around with. I am beyond blessed that I have been so privileged to have such godly influences and friendships in my life – not everyone gets to experience that and I am ever so thankful for the Lords provision. To sum up the story – There is a particular individual in this group of people who I have become not so fond of. The Lord convicted me that instead of judging him on the mistakes he has made, I should be loving Him with the Love I have experienced in Christ Jesus. I struggle with application…I really struggle with it. I’m praying for this guy, that he would wake up and get real in his faith. The Lord brings him across my mind quite often and I always say a prayer within my heart for him. I’m praying that God will use me, and that he will use one of my friends to be an example of REAL Christians: the ones who show love, have fun, but honor the Lord in everything that we do. I had this “revelation” that God could use us, somehow, someway, to show these kids that what they are living is not a Christ-filled life. And if they already know that, and simply don’t care, God can use us to show them that the Christian walk is worth it. That’s my prayer. It sounds kind of crazy and unusual. But why would I limit my God to the ways He can use me? The ways He can use us? Get the focus off of yourself – if there are people you have a hard time loving, PRAY for them and go out of YOUR way to prove God’s love for them. John 13:34 says, “I give you a NEW command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”