Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today is IT!

Today…is it. It’s all we have. In America, we are taught that there is always a tomorrow; but this isn’t true. Now, I am in no way condoning the ‘live for today, do what feels good’ mentality. But as Christians, I really do believe that we should be living to give God all that we have today, not plan on giving Him half today and the other half next week. This entire ‘idea’ is really something that God has been placing on my mind and my heart for the past week or two. A good friend brought it to my attention that we get so caught up in trying to figure out God and what He wants that if we’re not careful we will miss the opportunity to receive the blessings that He has for us, and miss the chance to bring Him honor and glory through our IMPERFECT and BROKEN lives. This hit home for me – we try to over think things and out think God. When we do this, where is our faith? What are we saying to God? Do we trust Him? No. Our view of God is often distorted, even as Christians. We tend proclaim His as Supreme Being over our lives but in our hearts we diminish his power and His providential care over our lives. He deserves all that we are. He deserves 100% of who we are, today. I struggle with this and God is working with me. (Thank goodness!) Matthew 6:34, “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”